Can you relate to the

challenges our customers face?

The battle for a customer is won by the relevant offer delivered to the customer through the right sales channel at the right time. All of that in an ever-changing, dynamic environment. What worked on the customers yesterday is no longer valid today.

By being quick and flexible, you can significantly improve your sales.

Below, we have described some typical situations of our clients. If you find yourselves in these situations, please contact us. We will be pleased to help you – just like we helped other global corporations, SMEs as well as start-ups.

The solution to your priorities and challenges at your fingertips

The attached picture illustrates top priorities from the perspective of business, IT and clients. 

Under the picture, you can find the answers to 7 typical challenges encountered by our clients.

They may show you how a smart product catalog could improve your business, too.

Challenges circle


How to react to client requirements or market changes immediately?


How to reduce the cost of product changes, so that even small changes could be profitable?


How to flexibly try out optional offerings and test the market’s reaction?


How to avoid losing valuable know-how due to employee fluctuation?


How to ensure that employees cannot exceed allowed competences during sales?


How to create a modern, fast single source of truth for multichannel and on-line?


How to manage the product lifecycle across multiple environments?


How to facilitate strategic development when IT spends most time doing small changes to product parameters?

Customer journey

How to give the customer individual approach and personalised care in all channels?

Attractive offers

How to offer the customer more than competitors?

Customer experience

How to ensure that customer requirements are processed quickly and correctly?

We want a product catalog but don’t have enough experience working with it

Don’t worry! WisePorter product catalog has been designed to manage everything you may need – from product management and offer personalization through product lifecycle to supplier integration. However, it is still incredibly simple from the user perspective.

And if you want us to help you put WisePorter to life, we will be very happy to help.

We are too slow to react to market changes and customer requirements

WisePorter was designed to facilitate quick changes to product offering in order to reflect changes in market situation and customer needs. Business users will gain the flexibility to react swiftly without the need to request any changes from IT. With negligible costs.

We have many good business ideas which we can’t use

Too bad. If you don’t test them in practice, you will never know their true potential. How would you feel about trying them out right away? You can even leave out IT. And if a business idea turns out to be less than perfect, you can easily reset the product parameters in WisePorter in a few quick clicks.

We want to include partners’ and suppliers’ products in our offering

WisePorter automates your partners’ and suppliers’ access to your systems, thus making it much more cost effective. Furthermore, you won’t have to do it yourselves. The process is unified and simple, third parties can do it themselves, while you will only approve their changes. Then it’s only up to you to compose the final products from suppliers’ products to attract the customers.

We want to be perceived as a part of a bigger group

WisePorter unifies offering of various products across the whole group.

Sales teams can easily resell products from other companies in the group or create product packages composed of selected products from all parts of the group, thus multiplying the client’s advantage.

Consequently, the customers can gain more from you than from the competitors – and you can present it to them as custom-made offers. They are sure to buy!

The traffic on our websites and eShops is increasing and our systems are collapsing

No problem! You can use WisePorter to service your websites and eShops instead of your company’s traditional information systems. It has been designed to service extensive traffic and it can automatically synchronize with your internal systems. It is easily scalable, so if you suddenly need to scale up (think Christmas), you can do it promptly and keep the business flowing.

We are transitioning from monolithic systems to the modern microservice-based architecture

… and you are afraid of the gigantic cost of such an IT project?

WisePorter was conceived and designed to precisely fulfil the product domain function in the microservice architecture and it can help you a lot with this part of your future.

I'm keen to try WisePorter!